To focus means to have balanced temperatures, effective noise reduction, and balanced lighting.
Taking something into your life means seeing positive examples. The motivation to value nature and the Earth is to use materials sensibly. Having a material bank of existing buildings and using new materials from renewable resources.
We, as architects and engineers, can provide recycled as well as natural materials.
Teachers can help with the education of our children. Let's give them a quality environment. Building is just the beginning, valuing continues.
Windows are oriented to the east and west. Southern windows are protected by shading from direct sunlight. The building maintains a pleasant temperature throughout the day. Additionally, with diffused light, it is easier to read a book or work on a computer.
Greenery provides the best protection against heat. Not only in the form of trees in front of the building, but also on the roof. By pulling rainwater from the retention pond, it is easy to cool the space inside the building. No summer flu from air conditioning and better concentration.
Water cycle in nature is waste-free. If we want to live without waste, we have to learn how to use wastewater. There is enough space on the roof to clean wastewater for 2-3 floors. A combination of a water purifier with photovoltaics instead of a railing is possible. Cleaned water cools in summer and warms in winter, and it also reduces dust, which is especially appreciated by asthmatics.
Unburned clay in the interior. You cannot see which walls or plasters are made of clay and which are made of concrete. However, functionally, clay walls are superior in several ways. They regulate humidity, reduce noise, purify air, and are easily recyclable. We can replace all functions with technology, but why should we when nature has already figured it out, and we can learn from it.
Green roofs are an important element in preserving biodiversity. Up to 90% of urban areas belong to hardened surfaces and buildings. It is our duty to replace the occupied areas with nature. An extensive green roof usually has rosettes and helps insects. The intensive green roof can have a thick substrate layer for intensive cultivation of vegetables or even trees. Terraces with intensive green roofs are a suitable place for outdoor teaching and meetings during breaks. Greenery calms and releases beneficial substances into the body. Surround yourself with greenery.
Recycled glass is also known as foam glass. Using recyclables instead of polystyrene (from oil) is one way to combine two functions into one. We soak life-giving water into the ground where precipitation falls and insulate the building.
Material recycling is a necessity, not an option. We will always need natural resources, but through recycling, we can minimize the need for new resources. If concrete could be used only twice for new concrete, we would use once extracted concrete for 100-160 years, which is 4-7 generations. Thanks to research, scientists have found a way to use recycled concrete with excellent parameters.
Photovoltaics are a suitable replacement and an appropriate addition to the energy needs of larger buildings. We can use nuclear, wind, water, coal energy, but photovoltaics have the smallest carbon footprint. Did you know that photovoltaic panels can be fully recycled and can produce more than 90% of their original performance?
South-facing areas need to be utilized.